Press Release


Promoting the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) in Political  Processes in Zambia. 

[Lusaka, September 29, 2023]- Today, the Center for Young Leaders in Africa (CYLA) Zambia, in partnership with the Southern African Development Community Youth Network (SADCYN), launches a groundbreaking initiative in Zambia with the aim of strengthening democracy, promoting fair elections, and enhancing good governance practices in the country. The project, titled "Promoting the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance (ACDEG) in Political Processes in Zambia," represents a significant step towards ensuring that Zambia's political landscape aligns with international standards and principles of democracy. 

The ACDEG is a continental framework adopted by the African Union to advance democratic governance,  uphold human rights, and promote the rule of law. Zambia, as a signatory to the ACDEG, is committed to its  principles and we have embarked on this project in partnership with our stakeholders to ensure its effective  implementation. 

With the support of Democracy Works Foundation (DWF), the Charter Project Africa and in partnership with  the European Union, this initiative aims to raise awareness, understanding, and adherence to the principles  outlined in the ACDEG within the context of Zambian leadership structures. 

Key objectives of the project include:

1. Increase awareness and understanding to facilitate dialogue on the ACDEG and its principles among  electoral stakeholders.  

2. To increase citizens' knowledge of their rights and responsibilities during the electoral cycle, through  information dissemination on media platforms. 

To achieve these objectives, the collaborative effort between the CYLA-Zambia and SADCYN will involve  CYLA network members, political parties, the media, selected local councils/ councilors, and communities, and  will be implemented over a period of 9 months with regular progress updates and milestones shared with the  public. It is expected to have a far-reaching impact on Zambia's political landscape, ultimately contributing to a  more vibrant and inclusive democracy in the country. 

We believe that promoting the ACDEG in political processes in Zambia represents a significant milestone in our  journey towards building a stronger, more inclusive democracy, and by aligning our electoral processes with international standards, we are fostering a brighter future where the voice of every citizen matters. 

For more information and media inquiries, please contact: 

Ms. Lydia Doroba 

Program Assistant 

Center for Young Leaders in Africa Zambia  

+26 0764000100