[Lusaka, October 2, 2023] - Today, as young women aspiring for leadership roles in politics, we stand united to send a resounding message to all women in politics and women in political leadership: it's time to grow our competence and skills.
Press Release
[Lusaka, September 29, 2023]- Today, the Center for Young Leaders in Africa (CYLA) Zambia, in partnership with the Southern African Development Community Youth Network (SADCYN), launches a groundbreaking initiative in Zambia with the aim of strengthening democracy, promoting fair elections, and enhancing good governance practices in the country.
Stories of Zambian Youth Women in Politics
Reflections on the Loans and Guarantees Act
As it stands, Zambia's debt situation is entering dire straits, with the unsustainability of the burden looming ominously over our macroeconomic stability. Without actionable amendments to the act, Zambia’s young people will have to continue contending with the debt burden. Our compromised political sovereignty puts us at the mercy of our lenders.