Since 2017, we have been committed to paving the way for inclusive political leadership. We have been at the forefront of efforts to fully empower Zambian and Malawian youth, women, and people with disabilities (PWDs) for leadership positions. Our programs have had an impact on over 1,000 young people in both countries.
To help us become a more capable organization, we focus on three strategic areas that aim to foster an environment that encourages and prepares young leaders to take on political leadership positions.
Established a cordial working relationship with the Zambia National Assembly and led in conducting a study visit along with two partner youth organizations (2022)
Submitted to the National Assembly Committee on Youth, Sport and Child matters a memo on the petition for initiation of the repeal of the National Youth Development Council Act, Cap 144 of the laws of Zambia(2022)
Participated in the African Union 4th Mid-Term Coordination Meeting- side event on Unconstitutional Change of Governments in Africa. Jointly produced a position paper with Youth Unite Zambia on Harnessing Youth Voices in Tackling Unconstitutional Change of Governments in Africa (2022)
Registered as partners of the the first ever Zambia Parliamentary Youth Caucus (ZPYC) (2022)
Established a cordial working relationship with the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC-AU)(2022)
Established a cordial working relationship with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)(2022)
Formulated NationalYouth and Women’sManifestos respectively, that speak to the social, economic, and political aspirations of young people in Zambia (2021)
Conducted Peace Walks to create traction across social media, whilst petitioning the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for a peaceful election in the Chilanga May 2018 Parliamentary elections
Conducted numerous Studies and produced Reports on the participation of young people in elections, highlighting key issues, challenges affecting them and providing recommendations to counter the above
Held numerous Debates on how to increase youth participation in issues of governance and policy making
Formulated Budget Analyses in conjunction with numerous student unions, relevant to the needs and concerns of young people and the underrepresented (2021)